A case against the MVI architecture patternMy opinions are based on my own experience working with different implementations of MVI applied to both personal projects and at my day…Apr 13, 202117Apr 13, 202117
Writing Super Mario Bros in C++I decided to learn C++ as step towards understanding more about the fundamentals of computer science, programming languages and graphics…May 30, 2020681May 30, 2020681
Published inProAndroidDevCoroutines “gotchas”I keep forgetting some basic knowledge about how coroutines work, so I’m writing this article as a quick reminder for myself and anyone…Sep 30, 20191373Sep 30, 20191373
Quick config Mockito with Kotlin (and RxJava2)I’m writing this article to have a handy reference on how to fix issues that arise when trying to use Mockito and Kotlin together. There…Aug 14, 20175Aug 14, 20175
RxAndroid: An event bus on steroidsIn this article I will try to describe how to build a Event bus using RxJava through an example: A very simple app that displays random…Feb 4, 2017252Feb 4, 2017252